Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Thing 14

Technorati feels a little voyeuristic to me. I learned that BoingBoing is the most popular blog by fans and Arianna Huffington has the most authority. Having seen her on Bill Maher, I don’t know if I agree, but it was interesting poking around. I didn’t like how you could see other’s members who subscribed to that site. I understand that that helps with the social aspect and learning from others, for instance, if Doug Johnson subscribed to a particular site I might find it interesting and a learning experience, but sometimes people keep an eye on things for different reasons. For example, I have a very good friend who is a strong democrat and so is her husband, but he holds a membership in the Republican Party so he can get their mailings and other literature. I believe I will stick with I love the organizational aspect of that! Below are the hits I got for the searches requested on thing 14. I bet they change daily!

1402 hits for School Library 2.0 blog posts
53 hits for School Library 2.0 in blog directory
38 hits for School Library 2.0 in tags

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